Chaos vs Scammers

Chaos vs Scammers

Chaos vs Scammers

These last few months my life has been a real mess… Well, I don’t blame only Corona, to be honest, it’s not its fault at all – for once!…

I’m struggling in all aspects – physical, emotional, and even mentally – to cope and to try finding strength for all events! When we see our life passing by and, seems like we have no control over what is happening it’s awful… I feel so powerless!…

I know life is not fair, we cannot compare ourselves with others, we must fight hard for what we want, … all that life truths… but, the reality is so much different!!! I struggle to find a balance – work, social life, and my own space… I work too hard, so there is no time for social life (only at work! ?). My own space, well it’s hard to have some when there is not much time left in your mega busy working agenda…

But after, I see so many people on the internet bragging about their financial freedom, how simple do they make it look like and I ask myself:

“If it is that simple, why is the world so messed up? Why are we not all millionaires? Am that stupid that I cannot be one of them???”

And, this is the bad part… I try to believe that something good can come from less work…just by following this or that method to become a little bit wealthy… Well, there are many so-called the winner method… where should I start???

I start making plans in my mind of what I would do first, who I would help, how would I share the same information in order to support others – starting with my loved ones, of course! Gets to a point that the fantasy becomes so real in my mind, that I truly believe that this time will be my chance to do something of myself…

And that is the time that I let my guard down… well, who will be the winner??? Not me for sure! But the scammers that live on the internet disguise the truth with a lot of fake claims and reviews! (In my point of view, there is no question that these are very smart people that don’t find jobs challenging enough to keep them off from their boredom! – Believe me, I know what I’m talking about…, but all that intelligence is being wasted by ruining desperate people’s lives!) These last years, I’ve been on that frame of mind – trying to improve my life, working from home, and trying to protect the few physical health that I still have…(not much though!). And if I tell you that, this year alone I’ve lost more than £3000 on many different scams, you probably will call me completely CRAZY – and I don’t blame you, I guess I was…but I was looking for some safety, I was trying to change my life for better, try to be a little bit lucky… Well, life is a … master in teaching us the worse way possible… so, I’ve learned to don’t justify what can be an excuse to do wrong!!!…

Also, what I’ve learned so far is, people that who claims to be the most honest, are in reality playing with your feeling and standards. Why is that? They know how rough life has been (that’s why we become so blinds) and they “show off” in many different ways (something that we could only dream about), claiming to do it for free or for an insignificant fee. They pretend to be happy to help you, that you really need them, they try to be your friends, to know you a little bit more (the more information they get, the better for them to know your weaknesses) and this is when the pressure starts. Sometimes, I was the one contacting them (email, Messenger, Facebook, …), so after I was so ashamed that actually, I couldn’t accept their help, because I didn’t have the money needed to start with… (I shouldn’t be ashamed really!!!!)  Well, but I’ve started thinking: “what is £30 if this will allow me to become free and have time to do what I really enjoy? Is that much? How many times do I spend £30 on things that I probably don’t need so much?” And the danger keeps standing there…

I get so desperate to change my life, that I believe in their very well done and convincing images / videos / shiny products / courses, … anything that will feed
my need for a justification of my (so wanted!) actions and to persuade myself that this is the right thing to do…

So, my hidden greed becomes bigger than my rational thinking…

I even go to google to see the product reviews on different websites and youtube channels, and in some cases, all seems to be true… And, as you probably already guessed, I start believing in them and slowly, I start “giving” them my money. That’s right – in the end of the day, I’m the one making the payments / transferences… And after one product there is always another one or One Time Offer (OTO) upgrades, … but to the up sales I’m strong enough to don’t fall into it (I would not have the money anyway, even if I would want them badly!) So, their job is done…

After the purchase, all the adrenaline of exploring it is amazing… for a couple of minutes or hours until I actually notice that the product is crap, doesn’t work or even open and there are a lot of things that I cannot do without the upgrades (that I haven’t bought!).  ???

So, when all that facts come to my knowledge, there is no way I cannot feel betrayed, frustrated, depressed, … but guess what: IT’S TOO LATE! Most of them have 30 days money back guarantee… but once again guess what: the trouble I will need to go through to (maybe) have my £30 back it’s not worthy of the time and energy I have left… So, that’s why so many scammers get away with it so easily… And they become rich due to our poor judgment!

I’m more aware of the dangers, not just online, but I’m not free from falling into another trap… no one is! Remember, this is their way of living…they update their methods with the help of the technology’s evolution…

I’ve found some images that are very informative about life after scams and these have given me some relief and peace of mind. I will share them with you. Each image has the copyrights on it – they are not my own. Please share this content if you want to spare others from scammers…

Chaos vs Scammers
Chaos vs Scammers
Chaos vs Scammers

Please share this content if you want to spare yourself and others from the scammers’ traps…


  • Post’s Keywords:
  • anger
  • anxiety
  • bad guy
  • cope
  • deal
  • discomfort
  • disloyal
  • enemy
  • feelings
  • fight
  • friend
  • friendship
  • heart
  • human
  • nasty
  • pain

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