User Posts: jotitagoncalves

I’m wondering how it will be when you are next to me, Have you in my arms, feel your warmth and your baby’s smell. Will you have my eyes, my smile? I can feel ...

A small but round face, brown eyes that shine like they’ re smiling. The nose a little bit turned-up… I’m not snobbish at all, but my nose, well…

Have you ever heard or even used the expression “Follow your heart!” before? I’m sure you have. But is it a sensible decision to make?

In order to advertise to individuals online, you can use a marketing technique called digital marketing.

Today, I feel the need to talk about something that I’ve been keeping inside me for too long.

I’m writing this post because I would like to share one more achievement that I was able to reach.

The ME – naked and raw! ...  I consider myself quite a regular person, I mean, I am just one more in this world trying to figure ...

Oh... how do I miss you... Nelinha!  There is someone that is really important to me since I'm a teenager... At first I didn't ...

Bad news?! I'll fight!... A few months ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I hate labels and I hate how they make people ...

You... Marina ?  There is someone that I've known for a long time... Since I'm 14 years old to be more accurate... You arrived ...

Browsing All Comments By: jotitagoncalves
JoTita Gonçalves