JoTita Gonçalves

JoTita Gonçalves

the gift of life...

The gift of life

Life is a gift, a sacred present that should not be wasted… Sometimes we get tired of it because it is monotonous and at times full of problems, but we must not let them even make us think about giving up, because having that idea is bad, but realizing it is much worse. 

If we think about the benefits of being alive, it may help us … Life allows us to meet people (good and bad), who we like better or like less; to know wonderful places, where we may spend the best moments of our lives, as well as allowing us to go through spectacular experiences, … Of course, life is not a bed of roses, as it also has thorns and some stick up in the flesh, being very difficult to remove and sometimes we are not able to pull them at all, so we’re stuck with them for life. But it is good when we have someone who helps us to walk, even when we have a thorn in our foot, the pain is lessened, not being always noticed. That someone supports us not to lean on the wound, gives us a hand if we fall, carries us if we are without strength, … It is when that someone isn’t there anymore that life stops making sense, loses the fun, goes back to the usual monotony … but we have to go to the bottom of our hearts to get strength to be able to continue, fighting against such bad tendencies. Maybe go out and make new friends, get to know them, spend time with them, take a walk, talk to them, …, until among these we can find someone else to help us continue the path. But we must not be selfish, we must also be concerned with supporting others because we want to see them happy and if we manage to contribute to that happiness, will we not feel happy too?

So, let’s not be self-centred, let us see the people around us and think ‘how can I help them?‘. Who knows if with this attitude we will not help people to feel that their lives are not so bad, that its make sense and that people care about them, that they are useful and essential for us to be happy!!! 

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