


“Today we live in a cash-for-trash world. Anyone can stand up and say anything unkind, unfair or completely untrue about you, and then they are rewarded financially for it… because life is unfair.” — Kathie Lee Gifford

“If you expect the world to be fair with you because you are fair, you’re fooling yourself. That’s like expecting the lion not to eat you because you didn’t eat him.” — Unknown

That quotes are so true! Each one of us has our own demons and personal battles, but if those were not enough, there are people crossing our path that instead of easing our pain, just add even more scars to it! WHY?

We live in a world where everyone is considered someone’s enemy! We have our own “less favourite people” and we are that person, at some point in someone’s life! This starts from youth. When growing up one of our parents is like our hero and the other is our rival (human nature!) usually girls idolize their fathers and have their mothers as rivals and boys is the other way around (there are many studies in Psychology about it). At school, we are pushed to be the best of our class, if not of our school, at work we are pushed to be the best to keep away the concurrence … So, seems that is the “normal” way to live…

This makes me wonder: is all of that really needed? What are we willing to do in order to get where we want to be? Are we allowed to do ANYTHING against the competition? At what cost? What about the ones around us? Can we destroy their lives without any remorse? What makes us better than the others?

In my point of view, our personality is what makes all the difference during all of our life, our character, attitudes and balanced ambitions – always being humble and willing to improve are the keys to success. Usually, the ones that try to cheat and betray others don’t get too far for long. At first, they might get what they want, things might be going pretty well, but at some point – sooner or later – things will be made right! When this day comes, the ones that at one stage were the best will be in the other extreme – no one will want them because they were disloyal to everyone, including themselves! So, when making our choices we must think that, if today we cannot get where we would like to be, it’s ok. Maybe tomorrow it will be our day. But… if we never get there???? Shouldn’t we follow the “bad and disloyal guys”? Are there any exceptions or excuses? I guess, this depends on your conscience!…

Well, I would say that if you would be able to put your head on the pillow at night and sleep like a baby without even thinking that you KNOW you were not the right person for the job, you surpassed/overtook other people’s place because you cheated, manipulated things, lied, … that there was one person ready for that role, the one that had been working very hard for the last 4 or 5 years, had to compromise so many family or social events to be able to focus in what was the final goal and his/her way out, but now – BECAUSE OF YOU, the person is unemployed, frustrated, feeling worthless and a failure… well, I would say – I hope you’re happy days are coming to an end! I hope you are exposed very soon!

We all fit in the world, healthy competition is a good thing – makes us grow, be creative, improve, … but when this becomes our main focus to eliminate the competition, well that’s when things start to go out of track. This is like jealousy – healthy jealous shows love and care, but sick jealousy can kill! We are here to help each other, not to make the other’s lives even more miserable! We all die a little bit each day, so there is no need to accelerate that process!

What is the first thing that comes to your mind about the person you love the most? How about the person you like the least? What do you think is the first thing that comes to people’s minds when you come across their thoughts??? Now, it’s time for each of us to make an improvement list, start working on it and be able to start ticking things off…as accomplished! It’s a long journey but if it’s for the better it will be worth it!

We have enough people being selfish and, in their own eyes, there is no one better – they are just perfect – no improvements needed! ?? Well, we must try to change ourselves in order to don’t be anything like that! Don’t be scared or ashamed for being different! ? The world lacks humility, fairness, loyalty, truth, uniqueness, contentedness and just people… So, if you agree, please work side by side with me to be able to become one of the good ones! Let the few odd ones (US) that are still standing against the great majority (too proud/haughty) become noticed for good reasons, by being a good example that people respect and see as a role model! Are you in?!

Remember: “the last one who laughs is the one who laughs best!” (Portuguese saying, I’m not sure if there is a better way to translate it!?)

Be the way you what to be remembered forever! Be the best version of yourself – the one you would love to have as your best friend! And more important: ALWAYS BE YOU!

How the proud ones see themselves:


How and what do we want to see and be seen like:


  • Post’s Keywords:
  • acceptable
  • anger
  • anxiety
  • bad guy
  • bed
  • bored

  • boredom
  • brain
  • cope
  • deal
  • discomfort
  • disloyal
  • enemy
  • excitement
  • feelings
  • fight
  • friend
  • friendship
  • heart
  • human
  • nasty
  • pain
  • proud
  • rain
  • rainy
  • reason
  • resentment
  • sadness
  • seasons
  • situations
  • society
  • touch
  • unfair

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JoTita Gonçalves

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